A voltage divider is a passive circuit producing an output voltage that’s a fraction of the input voltage. In guitar pedals they’re often used to adjust signal levels or bias active components like transistors and op-amps.
Voltages can be divided via resistors, capacitors, inductors or a combination of those. This post is about resistive dividers formed by series resistors. We’ll keep those other types of voltage dividers for later.
Resistive dividers
A divider network can be formed by connecting two resistors in series. The
input voltage Vin
is applied across both and the output
voltage Vout
emerges from the connection between them.
The input voltage distributes proportionally over resistors connected in series.
That means if R1
has twice the resistance of R2
(R1 = 2 × R2
) then R1
also have twice the voltage across it, V1 = 2 × V2
The voltage V2
across R2
is equal to the output voltage,
Vout = V2
. Both partial voltages add up to the
input voltage, Vin = V1 + V2
From that you can derive that the ratio of input to output voltage is equal to
the ratio of the sum of both resistance values to the resistance of the second
resistor. Vin / Vout = (R1 + R2) / R2
Example 1: R1 = R2
In a voltage divider where both resistors have the same value the input voltage
distributes equally. Thus, Vout = 1/2 × Vin = 4.5 V
Vin / Vout = 9 / 4.5 = 2
and (R1 + R2) / 2 = 2
That’s a common configuration for biasing op-amps.
Example 2: Vout = 3V
If the ratio of Vin
to Vout
then so is the ratio of (R1 + R2)
to R2
. If you want to get 3 V
a 9 V
source start by picking e.g. R2 = 10 kΩ
and then (after rearranging
the formula a bit) compute R1 = R2 × (Vin / Vout - 1) = 20
And so R1 = 20 kΩ
Example 3: Linear Power Booster
R1 = 430 kΩ
and R2 = 43 kΩ
are common values for biasing the transistor of the
LPB1 — the Linear Power Booster. A ratio of ~10
is commonly used, which
feeds 0.82 V
to the base and keeps the transistor (e.g. a 2N5088) in
active mode for the entire range of the input signal.
Picking resistor values
Theoretically, any two resistance values R1
and R2
can be used — as long as
they establish the desired ratio of input to output voltage. In reality however
there are a few things to consider.
Choosing resistor values too low will cause the divider network to pass a relatively
high current. For R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ
and Vin = 9 V
for example,
that would mean 4.5 mA
(ignoring loading effects). That’s quite a lot if you’re
planning to run off a battery.
Choosing resistor values too high produces more self-noise, which is relevant especially when designing high-gain circuits. That noise can be reduced by adding a capacitor as a power supply filter.
Loading effects
Another issue with higher value resistors is that they lead to a high
source resistance.
If presented with a low enough load resistance, Vout
might drop lower
than acceptable. That’s usually not a problem with setting bias voltage for
op-amps but it can absolutely be if you insist on picking 10 MΩ
and no longer supply the required bias current.
“The trick is to size the resistors so that the amount of current you pull out or push in will not move the reference voltage around more than some allowable amount." (R.G. Keen — “Calculating Bias Divider Networks”).